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Revised Date** Speak Out to Protect Your Pay, Pension & Healthcare


State Capitol Building
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
United States

Teri Merisotis / Jim Vigue (AFT Connecticut Lobbist)
Teri Merisotis / Jim Vigue (AFT Connecticut Lobbist)
Earlier this month a legislative panel composed primarily of millionaires and CEOs released a report recommending lawmakers balance the state budget on the backs of Connecticut's working women and men. Their proposals — straight out of the business and municipal lobby's playbooks — took particular aim at you and your fellow union members.
Four legislative committees are holding a public hearing next week on the report’s recommendations. Join us to help build resistance to yet another attack on working peoples' fundamental freedom to negotiate:

WHEN: Wednesday, March 21 beginning at 10:00AM (the hearing will run into the evening, so come when you can).
WHERE: Room 2-C of the Legislative Office Building, located next to the State Capitol in Hartford at 300 Capitol Avenue (free parking is available in the adjacent garage).
HOW: Click here to sign-up to participate and get tips on how to submit testimony.
If this all sounds familiar, that's because many of the panel's recommendations mirror anti-union bills defeated last year after a massive and successful mobilization effort. This time the special interests seeking to silence you and your colleagues have the corporate elites on the "let them eat cake" commission carrying their water.
Bring at least one additional member with you, wear your AFT tee-shirts and help demonstrate the power of "U and I in Union."
More to come, and in solidarity,
Teri Merisotis
Legislative Advocate, AFT Connecticut
Jim Vigue
Legislative Advocate, AFT Connecticut

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