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SLO Training


AFT Connecticut
35 Marshall Road
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
United States

Jennifer Benevento
Jennifer Benevento

Just in time for "back to school" season, we are again hosting a professional development workshop for members of AFT Connecticut-affiliated PreK-12 teachers' unions on Student Learning Objectives (SLOs). Plan to join us for this unique opportunity to learn more about creating SLOs that are both challenging and realistic:

WHEN: Wednesday, August 15 from 5:00PM to 7:00PM.
WHERE: The Soifer Conference Room on the second floor of AFT Connecticut union headquarters, located at 35 Marshall Road in Rocky Hill (plenty of free parking available).
HOW: Click here to sign-up online - there is no cost for dues-paying members, but please RSVP in advance because a light dinner will be served.
Back by popular demand to present are our own Hartford Federation of Teachers union members Kathleen Chao and Jackie Ryan. Their workshop is designed to maximize interaction among participants with an emphasis on peer review and assistance in creating SLOs.
I hope to see you in Rocky Hill in four weeks for this invaluable course.
In solidarity,
Jennifer Benevento

Professional Issues & Development Coordinator, AFT Connecticut

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