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Windham Regional Legislative Breakfast


Lakeview Restaurant
50 Lake Street
Coventry, CT 06238
United States

Teri Merisotis
Teri Merisotis

Image result for lake view restaurant coventry ct

Sisters and Brothers,

On Saturday, March 17, at 11:00 at Lake View Restaurant, 50 Lake Street, Coventry, CT, legislators from throughout the Windham region will sit with our members for short, informal conversations about the issues that matter to you. For those who have not attended before, the breakfast are “speed dating” style, where legislators switch tables every 10-15 to talk to different groups of members. People who go once tend to go every year – it’s a great format to get to know your legislators.

This will be a crucial year for ourselves and working people throughout Connecticut. A bill has been introduced that would end collective bargaining for pension and healthcare after 2027, in effect eliminate COLAs for retirees, and freeze State worker wages from 2021 through 2024. Key elections for governor, attorney general, and treasurer are facing us in November; candidates have been invited to attend. Saturday is a great way to get involved in these issues. The Windham region will have some of the most important races in the state – including a crucial state senate race -- and many of the key candidates and legislators will be there.

Please let us know if you are planning to attend, since food has to ordered. Either respond to the email or go to and click on the calendar to sign up. If 11:00 is inconvenient, there will also be a Legislative Breakfast at the Lyme Tavern at 9:00 Saturday. It will be a great way to kick off St. Patrick’s Day.

We hope to see you at the Lane View Restaurant on Saturday!

In Solidarity,

Ed, Paul, Bob, Emily, and Greg

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