The SVFT was well represented at this summer's AFT Convention in Detroit. Full-time officers Jan Hochadel, Greg Beyer, and Ed Leavy made the trip along with Dan Thibault (Collision Repair D.H. from Oliver Wolcott), Sue Niemiec (Guidance Counselor at Vinal), and Ruth Cion (Special Ed instructor at Goodwin). The delegation took part in debate and voting on resolutions including the endorsement of the Obama/Biden ticket. Vice President Biden gave a stirring speech that articulated the differences between President Obama's approach to public education and the plan that many Republicans and special interest groups have that scapegoat teachers and base evaluations in large part on standardized test scores. For complete convention coverage, visit the AFT's website at See our Detroit photo album here: Detroit photos
The SVFT's Ruth Cion with AFT President Randi Weingarten at the Detroit convention.