Labor & Workplace
Moody's: Threat of Bankruptcy Removed, But Hartford Remains 'High Risk'
Moody’s Investors Service, which had warned of Hartford’s “likely” default last month, on Wednesday acknowledged that the imminent threat of bankruptcy has lifted with the newly adopted state budget.
Tipping May Be the Norm, but Not for Hotel Housekeepers
The tip doesn’t have to be big — $1 to $5, says the American Hotel and Lodging Association. But fewer than a third of hotel guests leave any money for the housekeepers.
Gothamist and DNAinfo Newsrooms Now Have a Union
Reporters and editors at the commonly owned New York news sites DNAinfo and Gothamist are now represented by a union.
Government & Politics
Connecticut AFL-CIO Endorsements
Municipal endorsements are handled by the AFL-CIO’s local labor bodies, which are organized into two Area Labor Federations (ALFs) in Connecticut -- the Western Connecticut ALF and the Eastern Connecticut ALF. Click the link to find out who labor has endorsed.
Democrats Have An Ambitious Plan To Help Rebuild Labor Unions
Flanked by union officials, Democratic leaders on Wednesday unveiled a comprehensive plan to overhaul federal law in a way that would strengthen the ailing labor movement and make it easier for U.S. workers to unionize.
Most back tax cut for middle class, tax increase on wealthy and corporations
Most Americans would like to see a tax cut for the middle class and small businesses, but a majority want to see tax increases for large corporations and for the wealthy.
Opinion & Editorial
GOP Blocked $15 Minimum Wage
I am one of the home-care workers that House Republican leader Themis Klarides referenced in her op-ed on the budget. Home-care workers like me make it possible for the elderly and the disabled to stay in their homes and receive care without going to a nursing home or group home. I spend my days caring for a paralyzed veteran who can no longer care for himself.