Sisters and Brothers,
As you undoubtedly know, early Saturday morning the Republican budget passed when three Democratic senators and six Democratic representatives voted for it. Among the lowlights of this proposed budget:
- All people in State retirement will pay 7% to their pension as of 7/1/27
- Elimination of COLAs in pension unless fund balance is 80% or higher (meaning, never)
- Teachers in TRB will pay an additional 2% -- bringing contributions up to 9.25% -- but the 2% will go to the General Fund, not the pension fund. It is, in effect, a tax on teachers.
- State employee contracts not brought to a vote will be considered rejected; now, they are considered passed
Those are just some of the issues that affect us directly; there are dozens and dozens of additional anti-worker proposals in the budget. So what can we do? We will need to contact the legislators who voted for this budget soon. First, we need to contact Governor Malloy and support him in his promise to veto this budget. Whatever you have thought of Governor Malloy in the past, he is now our last line of defense. We need to tell him to veto this budget! Please email him at the link below:
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Please let him know your school and your job title. We have done our share by approving the SEBAC agreement; we cannot be targeted again. Remember. the Governor has said he will veto this budget. We need to support that position, and make sure once this budget is vetoed, the next version does not scapegoat us.
In Solidarity,
Ed, Paul, Bob, Emily, and Greg